Nothing ever has to be set in stone when roaming the planet. As you browse and book on CuddlyNest, keep an eye out for listings with the ‘Free Cancellation’ stamp of approval.
Enjoy the security of a confirmed booking, without the rigidity of a cancellation penalty.
You can also filter your search to only show stays that have free cancellation options.
This feature allows travelers to stay flexible regardless of when the booking was made or what new regulations may come up prior to check-in.
Every property owner who lists with CuddlyNest will have to choose their cancellation parameters. There are a few to choose from, and you can read about them all on our CuddlyCancellation page.
In our commitment to providing adjustable booking options, our flexible and moderate policies both offer full refund possibilities within their given cancellation windows.
Should anything come up and cause a delay in your trip, simply log into your CuddlyNest Dashboard and submit the cancellation request before the date and time that was agreed to at checkout.
Travelers aren’t the only ones who need support in an unpredictable climate.
Our property owners, or ‘Nesters’ as we like to call them, have our full commitment when it comes to navigating the unforeseeable economic changes of the present day.
Vacation home owners who rely on short-term rental as their primary source of income were drastically affected during the recent period and continue to be.
Independent hotels and hostels without access to emergency capital were also harmed significantly.
With that, we recently launched our CuddlyCare Program; an incentive under which we're waiving our entire service fee for both qualifying homeowners and independent property owners.
Property owners who qualify for the CuddlyCare Program will incur no platform service fees on their listing up until to 31 December 2025.
To learn more, visit The CuddlyCare Program.